6 Types of Content to Create and Why

6 Types of Content to Create and Why

Content is made up of several pieces that combine to create something much bigger, an effective content marketing strategy.

You’ve probably heard the experts proclaim that “content is the king”, but this is a vague and misleading statement. There are many different aspects to an effective content strategy and there is not just one type of content that governs them all.

Content marketing aims to reach out and reach out to prospective customers. Really achieving them is the crucial first step, as you have to stand out from the many web pages that are viewed every month.

With so much content competing for viewership, it’s up to you to get your audience’s attention and make them want to connect with you. To do this, make sure your content includes the following 6 suggestions.

1. Blog posts publishing

Blog article publishing is a very important part of your marketing strategy, as you enhance SEO and cover many topics. You could create an article about the launch of a new product line, publications explaining your processes, or even an article about your biggest hits.

Regardless of your theme, blog articles will help you establish your digital presence and make your brand more visible online, allowing you to share the most exciting ideas with your audience. In addition, when you create consistent blog content, you give yourself more opportunities to link to it in the articles offered by your guests, creating a path from off-site content to inside-site content. This helps to bring new visitors to your site. If you want to convert these visitors into customers, you should have CTA buttons at the end of your articles that will direct them to your page.

2.Δημοσιεύσεις άρθρων σε άλλες σελίδες

Ενώ οι αναρτήσεις ιστολογίου είναι εξαιρετικές για την προβολή του μηνύματός σας στο κοινό σας, μπορείτε να διευρύνετε ακόμα περισσότερο (και ταχύτερα) την προσέγγισή σας εκφράζοντας τις απόψεις σας σε αξιόπιστες δημοσιεύσεις του σχετικού κλάδου σας.Εκτός από την προβολή του ονόματος σας, κερδίζετε και τον σεβασμό από το κοινό στο οποίο απευθύνεστε σαν εταιρεία.

Μιλώντας ως ειδικοί για κάποιο θέμα και συνδέοντας το περιεχόμενο των δημοσιεύσεων αυτών με το περιεχόμενο που βρίσκεται στην ιστοσελίδα σας, αυξάνετε σε τεράστιο βαθμό την επισκεψιμότητα σας.Παράλληλα δουλεύετε πάνω στο SEO, βελτιώνοντας την κατάταξη της σελίδας σας από τις μηχανές αναζήτησης, γεγονός το οποίο είναι από τα πιο σημαντικά βήματα της βελτίωσης της ιστοσελίδας σας.

3.References from third parties

When potential customers see your business name referenced in a post they know and trust, in an article published by another major company, your credibility rises rapidly.

Third-party reporting also helps you improve the SEO of your site, increase the visibility of your business, and thus your traffic. To do this, however, you need to constantly add fresh content to your site.

The best way to increase your reputation is through third-party reporting. Consumers pay close attention to reports from trusted companies or even celebrities. You will therefore need good relationships with public figures who can promote your products or services.

4.Email Marketing

Is it important to use email, with so many new communication programs? Of course!
According to Adobe research, employees spend an average of 3.1 hours looking at their incoming emails. This is a great time to take advantage of to properly promote your business.

Newsletters are one of the main methods of Email Marketing. Through this tactic you inform users about your new content and keep in touch with them.

Keep in mind, however, that this campaign requires high quality content that is fresh. Also, results will not appear immediately but it will take some time.

5. Exclusive content

Exclusive content is larger than a blog post and needs a lot more attention. In order for users to see this content, they need to enter their email address or some information about them. your visitors’ preferences and so you can customize the content of your website to always be liked.

Exclusive content, since you require information from your visitors, should be rich and very high quality. Use tricks to capture your interest (eg, beautiful images, vibrant colors, etc.).

When it comes to this type of content, distribution is vital. Make sure you actively share exclusive content on your social profiles, email marketing, and potential guides to increase your traffic.

6. Video content

If you don’t create video content, you close the door on a huge range of prospective customers, a group that is growing over time. Depending on your business, you can create How-To videos, demo videos, and / or videos showing your customers’ views of your business.

Studies show that viewers hold 95% of a message when watching it in a video, compared to 10% holding it when they read it in plain text. Embedding this tactic offers your audience a more digestible form of content, thereby enhancing the dissemination of your message.

While videos often require an investment in advance, they can be incorporated into multiple platforms. Make your business video available on your website and post it on your social network accounts or use small snippets of it on various channels. A well-meaning video does not cease to attract visitors.

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